Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Forced Transformation

I know what all you dirty minded little friends of mine are thinking, but no.... this is not a TRANY story. It's life, my life. This past month without notice everything has changed again. My sadness is slowly drifting away, my hope has begun to shift into acceptance. My questions remain ... UNANSWERED

I am strong
I am able
I am mine

Families come together in times of need, when your heart aches you find solace in the silent support of your loved ones. My Father countless times amazes me! Strong silent sensitive Man. This morning I received a phone call to wish me a lovely day, to say I love you! I don't understand why your art form uses your body, or why you perform in such ways, but I LOVE YOU!

I answered the phone nervous wondering what else in my life can be judged.... I am honest and open, but I no longer will take part in being morally challenged, because I am a woman who understands her sexuality, I am a woman who is not afraid to be vulnerable, to be exposed, to feel, and to live!

With my eyes open, my feet firmly on the ground I will move forward.