Monday, April 12, 2010

Sacrifice & Commitment...

I am going through a discovery of self a voyage... alone and surrounded by good company, creative company, feeling responsible for myself my actions and reactions.  I'll be 33 in June excited... The age of J C.  And I have fallen into action.  Spirituality and sexuality.  A duality that as a catholic  raised child I have fought against and still always been very aware of.  I discovered a balance in my performance art, through a passion for the tango and theater a combination of my rebellious adventurous ways, my sexuality, and a passion for feeling alive.  The moment comes when one faces there fears. I looked in the mirror and saw a person I was not proud of....  It took me 5 months after my first action to see my own faults...  and stop blaming others...  To enjoy my mind and body in a stronger way.  To believe in myself!  As all that I am with my past my present and my future! Accessing the Goddess within.

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