Friday, March 5, 2010

The Return 2009

By: Jacob Hashimoto

Out of all the works at the armory this was my favorite I was taken in by the sensation of this being a machine almost like the inside of a magical clock.  I can imagine it my home.  I went to the opening, (Thank You Alan Brownfeld!)  I had been planning to attend on Sunday but fortune had me attend yesterday.  CW and I felt overwhelmed by the terrible lighting to display the art.  I found the crowds overwhelming, but this is fun as well.  The sculpture art that caught my attention was by Kevin Francis Gray.  There was a life size teenage boy wearing his basketball uniform,  head tilted forward with a sadness in his stance,  his shoulder slightly lifted and hands gently and almost regretful behind his back,  with the fingers touching on his vulnerability, as you look closer you see that this boy was a cutter,  this brings you into the headspace of his pain.  When you proceed to look under the crystal veil over his face that fall like tears,  you will find death.  I was heartbroken and in love at the same time.  JG this one reminded me of you.  Be safe my Hanuman….  Stay positive.

There was a video project by a man : Adel Abidin,  Titled Ping Pong,  I was peacefully disturbed,  I watched as two men played ping pong and the net was a beautiful rubenesque red head with fair skin.  As they played the ball would hit her delicate skin and slowly there would be more and more light bruising.  Her silence and reclining pose were so passive and yet she was receiving a slow form of pain.  Beating away at her skin, my mind wondered what the internal struggle of this woman was.  The subject matter according to the artist is an analogy on territory, and woman's rights.  I would like to view more of his work.

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